For Metabolic Syndrome, diabetes prevention, and overall health improvements.
Contact us to learn more
RestoreHealth helped Caterpillar, a Fortune 100 company, save $14 MILLION in one year alone. And that doesn’t even begin to address the long-term health benefits their employees now enjoy.
With a personalized program addressing the root causes of Metabolic Syndrome and chronic disease, RestoreHealth decreased this populations’ instances of Type II diabetes when the industry average increased.
Cost savings PMPY
The average healthcare cost savings per member per year is $1,500-$2,700 for those with Metabolic Syndrome.
Reverse 1+ Metabolic Factors
Decreasing the risk for heart disease, cancer, and other costly and concerning diseases
Average Weight Loss
Type II diabetes members on RestoreHealth see on average a 6% weight loss, and keep the weight off even after completing the program.
Reduction in Systolic Blood Pressure
Members reduce their Systolic Blood Pressure by 9% taking them from “Stage 2” to “Elevated”.
RestoreHealth manages healthcare costs and the side effects of poor health using a digital health program with 1:1 health coaching. The curriculum is built around the 4 pillars of health - sleep, stress management, exercise, and nutrition - and behavioral science to address the root cause of issues.
RestoreHealth is not a one-size-fits-all program. Whether they are trying to defeat chronic conditions, lose weight, increase energy, or just get healthier, this program has a custom solution for every one.
RestoreHealth is unlike other programs because we approach each member as an individual: pairing them with a dedicated health coach for accountabilty and support and customizing their lessons and content to fit their unique needs. The results: 80% engagement at month 12 and 80% reduction of 1+ metabolic factors.
Our innovative technology anticipates an individuals’ needs and alerts our health coaches. The personal coach reaches out to their member through texting or calls, and they cater the curriculum to each individual based on these interactions.
If your employees are taking obesity or other medications, RestoreHealth coaches optimize the efforts. Coaches help members deal with unwanted symptoms, prepare them for their future off medication, and help build sustainable lifestyle changes that go along with it. A healthy foundation preceeds a healthier future.
Whether your employees take weight loss medication and need accountability, need small improvements to their nutrition habits, or a full uplevel of their biometric results, RestoreHealth is here to help.
Save money, improve employee health, and make a life-long difference.